This is truly a program tailored to your specific needs.
Start the convention with the add-on Mass Torts CLE Program and end the day with friends at the Women Trial Lawyers Caucus (WTLC) Welcome Reception and the Opening Reception (on its new night!).
With a full day of programming and meetings, be sure to take a minute to visit the Exhibit Hall, the AAJ Booth, and AAJ PAC Booth; then wind down with the New Lawyers Division (NLD) Meet Up and the Minority Caucus Groove.
Meetings and CLE programs continue with valuable insights on timely issues. Attend the Membership Business Meeting and Elections to cast your vote for Parliamentarian and dance the night away at the New Lawyers Division (NLD) Party.
It is the last day to visit the Exhibit Hall. Don’t miss the Membership Luncheon and Awards Ceremony and the Incoming Presidents Party to celebrate Bruce Plaxen.
It’s the final day of CLE programs and business meetings, and the AAJ Board of Governors will meet in the afternoon.
Learn more about the AAJ Exhibit Experience. Learn more about sponsorship.
The AAJ 2025 Annual Convention is where accomplished trial lawyers come together to discuss the latest developments in trial advocacy and specialized topics.
Attend cutting-edge Continuing Legal Education (CLE) programs designed to help you better represent your clients and the opportunity to earn up to a year’s worth of CLE credits.
Build powerful connections, increase your knowledge, and stay ahead of the curve when it comes to the latest developments in your practice area by attending Section, Litigation Group, and Committee meetings.
2025 AAJ National Officer Elections The 2025 AAJ National Officer Elections will be held at the Annual Convention. Regular, Sustaining, President’s Club, and Life members of the Association in good standing for at least 30 days prior to the commencement of the Annual Convention (June 18) and who are paid registrants for the full Convention week (“total package” or “education programs only”) are eligible to vote in the contested election for Parliamentarian. Eligible voters must pick up their Convention Badge on site and will be able to access the online ballot from any Internet connected device.
Join us for AAJ’s 2025 Annual Convention in San Francisco at the Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco Marriott Marquis. See all that San Francisco has to offer.